Saturday, December 27, 2008

Schneid? What the...???

According to Word Detective, to be "on the schneid" means to be on a losing streak, racking up a series of losing, and especially scoreless, games. "Schneid" is actually short for "schneider," a term originally used in the card game of gin, meaning to prevent an opponent from scoring any points. "Schneider" entered the vocabulary of gin from German (probably via Yiddish), where it means "tailor." Apparently the original sense was that if you were "schneidered" in gin you were "cut" (as if by a tailor) from contention in the game. "Schneider" first appeared in the literature of card-playing about 1886, but the shortened form "schneid" used in other sports is probably of fairly recent vintage.

I tried several times to find other or different definitions, but quite honestly there aren't any, at least not ones easily found. If you're a sports fan you've heard Chris Berman use the term many times - maybe I should ask him for the origin!

The significance here is that if you are a real estate investor but have not yet actually done much, or you consider yourself inexperienced, I'm going to try to help encourage you to "DO" something - to get off the schnied and get something done.

I'll do that by sharing my experiences, good and bad, and by adding as much related content as I can. Some of that will be suggestions as to how to find and rehab property. Some of our discussions will be what to look for if you are considering a coaching program.

It's just me working on this blog for the time being so I appreciate your patience, and of course any input you want to offer. Looking forward to it.

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